Serian Facts

Serian District


Serian district covers an area slightly bigger than the whole island of Singapore. The district actually covers an area of about 400 square miles. It has a total population of about 100,000 people. About 65% of the population are Bidayuhs. The rest are Ibans, Chinese and Malays.

Serian Town

Serian town is located about 40 miles from Kuching City (the State capital of Sarawak). The town is very famous for its durians for it is believe that it is here that the best durians are found. This prompt the town council to erect a giant monument of this "king of the fruits" right in the middle of the market square! The town is very well connected to its rich highland both by roads and by water and thus one can find all sorts of jungle produce available in the market. The natives certainly would not like to be left behind in term of economic progress.

Serian District proper

Majority of the population are still living in the villages we called "kampung". What is very unique about the kampung click here for a list is that it is almost govern by its own chief and his assistants. Each kampung has it own JKKK - in English literally means The Council for the well-being of the kampung folks.

The majority of the population are bidayuhs (pronounce as bidayeh) - literally means the people of the land. The Serian bidayuhs have their own distinct dialect known as the Bukar-sadong Bidayuh. It is quite amazing to note here that the bidayuhs from Serian District will not be able to communicate to their fellow bidayuhs, say, from Bau-Lundu or from Siburan-Padawan areas! And vice versa.

Here are some examples of the differences in the various dialects as translated from English and Malay.

English Malay Bukar-Sadong Bau-Jagoi Siburan-Padawan
Father Bapa Amang Sama Sama
Mother Ibu Andĕ Sino Sinĕ
Food Makanan Pima-an Pinguman Pimaan
Rice Nasi Songkoi/Sungkoi Tubi Tubi
I Aku/Saya Aku Oku Ku
You/Thou Engkau/Anda Amu/Akam Mu-u/ingan Ku-u/Kaam


There are many interesting places to visit in Serian area. There are many longhouses found in many kampung which is a "must" to visit, with its unique architectural features. In some kampung there are still keeping the heads of their enemies in the Head-House called the "bale". The heads of their so-called enemies have been kept since the by-gone era of headhunting.


There are many waterfalls found in Serian District. But there are two very famous ones. Among the two, the most famous is the Ranchan Waterfall. It is located about 5KM away from Serian town. It is easily accessible by road. The other one is Simuja Waterfall. It is located some 7KM away from the town. It is also easily accessible by road. Then one needs to walk for about 20 minutes to reach the amazing waterfall.

Border Town of Tebedu

The Border Town of Tebedu is located some 50KM away from Serian town. Tebedu town is rename as Bandar Mutiara recently. Tebedu town is where Malaysia and Indonesia share its border point. Now it is a thriving and strategic town both economically and politically.

Kampung Krusen

Kampung Krusen is one of the many Bidayuhs Kampung found in Serian District. It is located about 10KM away from Serian town. Most of the 150-doors kampung are Catholics as they have been converted to the Christian faith some 50 years ago by the Mill-Hill Missionaries. Before being converted to the Christian faith they were animists and pagans. But the Bidayuh culture and its tradition is still being strongly preserved and observed. So every year, come the 1st of June, the Gawai Celebration will bring the young and old, the kampung folks and the visitors to celebrate the Harvest festival till the wee hours. This merry making is also a "must" to see and enjoy. Food and drinks are plentiful. Delicacies like the "assam" (rice and chicken cook inside bamboo) and the "kasam" (preserved meat or fish) and the "tuak" (rice wine) are the mains menus during this festive season. In some places, Gawai Festival is celebrated for the whole month of June! So, welcome to Kampung Krusen anytime of the year. And please don't forget the Gawai Festival that falls on the 1st of June.


Well, here is a mere summary of what an actual and interesting place like Serian has to offer to both visitors and strangers alike. Finally, welcome to this unknown place on earth called Serian.